Thursday, July 5, 2007

eh oh!


Aloha! For Jackies who missed the exam tips or lost or whatever (people like me), here's some light for the night:

-name type of wellness
-leading cause of death in Singapore/America
-types of motivation
-2 types of carbohydrates
-2 types of fat
-know about monosaturated fat
-what type of fat from animal
-what is fibre
-types of vitamins and their qualities
-what are fat soluble vitamins
-diet and exercise
-what does CHD stand for
-what is angioplasty
-heart bypass
-good and bad cholestrol
-what's normal blood pressure
-the sys and dys thing in readings

courtesy of murali.


1 comment:

WJ said...

There is only monoUNsaturated fat. I think there is a mistake. BUt well, its only 20 percent. Lalalala.. Pandadol panadol panadol...